Sexy Doctor Meredith Grey played by Ellen Pompeo
by Ingrid Diaz on April 24th, 2008
NewspaperToday is an exciting day for Grey’s Anatomy fans: it’s the return of our favorite show! Yay! I thought this day would never come. But since the premiere of “Where the Wild Things Are” is still a few (interminable) hours away, here’s a couple of news bites to keep you entertained.
* Patrick Dempsey is featured in this Sunday’s issue of Parade, and he talks a bit about Eric Dane’s pecs. Dempsey says he’s got “pec envy” because McSteamy is in “perfect shape.” I’m pretty sure the ladies out there love him just the way he is. Via | Yahoo!
* Ellen Pompeo was seen at an after-party for Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton in the arms of Lil’ Kim. Oh fine, nothing as scandalous as all that. But they were photographed together, looking fabulous. Check out the picture evidence.
Check out more news bites you may have missed. And don’t forget to tune in to tonight’s episode!
Here are a few other excepts from the interview with Pompeo, which hits the stands Friday:
On being a bartender: “I wouldn’t say I was a good drink maker, but I was a very good hustler. I’d abuse the customers, yell and scream at them and make them wait. If they put money down on the bar and it wasn’t enough, I’d go wait on someone else who was giving me enough money. If they put another five down and I made them wait longer, pretty soon there would be $20 on the bar. Then I’d come over and give them a drink.”
On using real brains on the set of "Grey’s Anatomy": “It’s gross. We use real brains — I think they’re lamb or cow or something. Intestines smell. Brains don’t really smell, but what’s amazing about the brain is that it’s almost like scrambled eggs or soft tofu, almost like a gel. The brain controls so much of what we do, but you could put your finger right through it.”
On why she did "Grey’s Anatomy": “I’m seriously considering working during our next hiatus, but I don’t need to work for the money. If there’s something with an unbelievable cast and director, I’m going to jump at it. But I did this TV show so I wouldn’t have to do [bad] parts in [bad] movies, so I’m not going to start now. I’m not that desperate.”
UPDATE: Here are a few additional excerpts from Pompeo's Playboy interview.
PLAYBOY: Lots of us know you for roles in "Catch Me If You Can" and "Old School," but playing a surgical intern on "Grey’s Anatomy" has brought your biggest fame. When did you first notice guys wanting to play doctor with you?
POMPEO: I didn’t have any confidence as a young girl, because all the other girls had [breasts] and hips. I was always thin, always called the stick or the pencil. I didn’t have a boyfriend until I was 16, and he was eight years older. My father was furious about this 24-year-old, and I had to hide the relationship.
PLAYBOY: You must also have learned the art of survival very young, since your mother died when you were four.
POMPEO: I don’t want to talk about that. But because of what happened to me as a child, we had different babysitters -every day; all these characters in my life would babysit me. I have so many different influences. My mother came from an Irish family of 11 kids and, of course, had a sister who was a nun, so I spent time at a convent and with an aunt and uncle who lived in New York and took me to the theater. It was the 1970s, and all my brothers and sisters were hippies. They were smoking pot and watching "The Three Stooges." When I was small it seemed chaotic, but now, as an older woman looking back, I think, My God, it’s so much to draw on.
PLAYBOY: Does the [media] scrutiny ever get under your skin?
POMPEO: The trap is when you start to pay attention to that stuff and care, because in six months they’re going to be looking at someone else. You know how fickle everyone is. They love it, then they hate it, then they love it. So I’m going to enjoy it because it could be over at any minute.
PLAYBOY: You have the distinction of being one of the most famous victims on "Punk’d." A sexy waitress at an L.A. restaurant came on to your boyfriend so strongly that you jokingly threatened to gouge her with a fork. Then you found out your boyfriend tipped her $200 on your credit card. When did you catch on?
POMPEO: It smelled funny from the beginning. My boyfriend, Christopher, is definitely a lady-killer, but 10 minutes in, the waitress was calling him baby and honey. She also had makeup like a Vegas showgirl’s. I caught on halfway through, but they edited that out. I said to Chris, “Are you punking me right now?” and he said, “Ellen, you’re not that famous. Sorry, darling.” If Chris hadn’t been so good, I would definitely have known, but he played it right to the last minute. What’s so funny is that people have said terrible things about me because of that show. I don’t read a lot of Internet stuff, because it’s not healthy, but from what I hear, a lot of women have called me names, saying, “Oh, she was such a [mean person].” Like what they’re saying about me is any better than what I did to that waitress? And they don’t watch "Grey’s Anatomy" because I was such a terrible [mean person] to that waitress? That’s so hypocritical.
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