Rihanna debuted her 2nd signature line of totes umbrellas at Macy’s Herald Square in NY
Rihanna debuted her new line of umbrellas (ella ella ay) at Macy’s in New York City’s Herald Square today.
International superstar Rihanna debuted her 2nd signature line of totes umbrellas at Macy’s Herald Square in NY on Tuesday. Her first collection of umbrellas rapidly sold out in America and overseas. Rihanna graciously signed autographs and took pictures with the first 175 fans to purchase more than $50 from Rihanna’s totes Umbrella Collection. Totes reps expect Rihanna’s new collection of umbrellas to sell out as quickly as the first.
Rihanna - launch of Rihanna collection of umbrellas at Macy's in NYC
Music video by Rihanna performing Umbrella with C. Stewart, T. Nash, T. Harrell, S. Carter (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Rihanna was at Macy’s in NYC promoting her umbrella collection, after her song. cheeeeeeeese Forehead can’t even spell “umbrella” so good thing this little girl was there to talk her through it. Who was the mastermind behind this cheesedick idea anyway? What’s next? Is Britney going to come out with a line of designer
Aquí tenéis a la original, para que cantéis con ella.
Music video by Rihanna performing Don't Stop The Music with T. E. Hermansen, M. S. Eriksen, T. Dabney, M. Jackson (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music

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